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Name meaning

Surging Qi


He point (sea) of food.


At the height of the pubic symphysis, 2 cun lateral to the mid line.


Regulates the Qi in the Lower Burner. Regulates the Penetrating Vessel (Chong Mai). Subdues the rebellion of Qi. Tonifies the Sea of Food (SP and ST). Invigorates the Blood. Tonifies Qi pre and post-Celestial.


Excessive, irregular, painful or delayed menstruation caused by stasis of blood (xue). Infertility. Retained placenta. Lack of milk. Abdominal masses. Hernia. Swelling in the penis and prostate. Fullness, abdominal distension and pain that goes up. Squirming pain in the abdomen. Stiffness below the navel.

Target Area

Lower abdomen. Reproductive system.