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Name meaning

Foot marsh


He (sea). Water. Sedation.


At the cubital crease on the radial side of the biceps brachi tendon.


Clears Lung-Heat. Stimulates the descending of Lung-Qi. Expels Phlegm from the Lungs. Solves Damp-Heat. Open the water ways. Benefits the Bladder. Relaxes the sinews.


Lung-Heat. Fever. Thirst. Bronchitis. Dry mouth and tongue. Agitation. Fullness in the chest. Cough. Difficulty breathing. Profuse expectoration of mucus. Swollen limbs. Enuresis. Frequent urination. Retention of urine. Pertussis. Relaxes the sinews in the channel path.

Target Area

Elbow. Knee