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Name meaning

Mind Door


Yuan (source). Shu (stream). Sedation. Earth.


At the wrist crease, on the radial side of the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, between the ulna and the pisiform bones.


Soothes and opens the orifices of the Mind (Shen). Nourishes the Heart Blood.


Insomnia. Poor memory. Manic-depressive disorder. Inappropriate laughter. Screaming with people. Sadness. Fear. Mental restlessness. Agitation. Palpitation. Pale tongue. Stress. Mental retardation in children. Amenorrhea. Scanty menstruation. Powerlessness and lack of libido. Eczema. Pruritus. Pain caused by spasms on the back. Tremors in the arms (Parkinson). Gallbladderd deficient Qi. Shyness. Fear. Indecision. Depression. Cold hands.

Target Area

Back. Arms.